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Does your family need a babysitter? Evaluate your needs and make a decision - no matter how stressful the situation.

Let's face it. Raising kids is a joyous, nerve wracking, life changing and exhausting experience! So why not get some help? A trusted caregiver can be a great resource for a busy parent, a valuable asset and the answer to many of the stressful situations that come up on a daily basis. Check out the following list. Could this be a need for your family?
  1. Someone to take over in a pinch.
    No matter how well the day is organized, things happen that just can't be anticipated: kids get sick and you're in the middle of an evaluation review at the office; Grandpa can't find his keys and needs a ride to the doctor; you're running late to pick up your son from football practice, or any one of a thousand things that can put a parent in a state of panic. How comforting would it be to pick up the phone and call your sitter to rescue the day?

  2. Parent helper
    You're a stay at home parent...which usually means a 24/7 schedule. What an energy zapper! Hiring someone to give you an uninterrupted break, for a few hours a week, won't damage your well-earned super-hero title. Going to the gym or meeting a friend for lunch and adult conversation can just be what you need to renew. You'll be even more present and focused to care for those little ones when you return.

  3. Nanny
    Employing a nanny can be a very smart choice for a family, in a number of situations. When both parents work, school breaks can be managed well with no drastic changes in a child's routine. Parents who work at home, and need to put in a full day of work, can rely on a nanny to provide the care and supervision needed for their children. Juggling the demands of work and kids, in the same space, is stressful. Usually something - or someone suffers. Give yourself peace of mind; hire a nanny. They are devoted child-care professionals who can be depended upon every day.

  4. Date night sitter
    Every self-help book on the planet encourages couples to keep the romance alive by having a date night once a week! Just by having uninterrupted time together can make your relationship and family happier and healthier. Get out of those "mom jeans", kick up your heels, and have some fun! Try out that new restaurant in town, go to a movie or take some dance lessons together.

  5. Back-up-sitter
    They say "stuff happens" and it usually does. You've got a terrific, reliable go-to sitter, nanny or daycare provider and he/she is sick, is leaving for vacation, has reunited with a long lost someone, or some other temporary, yet unavoidable disaster has occurred. It could be your child has a fever and the school just called. This is the time to bring in the "second sting." Create a back-up plan for when emergencies strike and hire a trustworthy person who can be on call.
If any of the above sound like you, we're here to get you the help you need. Simply enter your zip code above and review trusted Sitters and Nannies in your neighborhood.